Leadership Coach + Changemaker

Diversifying and supporting non-profits to empower their leaders.

Hey there, I’m LaTresse.

(pronounced Lah-treese). It comes from a Latin word meaning noble leadership.

In school, I started off as a Hospitality major, then Psychology, then International Business and finally I ended up getting my degree in Black Studies.

As one of the only Black women in a leadership role at nonprofits throughout my career, BIPOC staff would often seek me out for confidential advice to navigate the predictable issues they faced at predominantly white-led nonprofits.

This led to me becoming an Executive Leadership Coach, and starting my nonprofit recruiting and consulting business. I named my company Bonsai Leadership Group LLC because I’m all about creating inclusive cultures within nonprofits, which takes time, patience, and care (just like tending to a bonsai tree.)

About the book …

“When Black Women Rise” is my first book and gives readers the tools to break through the glass ceiling and avoid the cliff. More than just a story of what I navigated in my personal life, it’s a workbook for women to learn to use their voices fearlessly, negotiate what they need, and build relationships that will serve them for years to come. After all, everything is possible if you just decide to bet on yourself.